Kdenlive Keyboard Shortcuts

Kdenlive Cheatsheet 00 Featured Image

Kdenlive is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX. Like Adobe AfterEffects and Davinci Resolve, it allows you to compose, edit, and render video footage straight from your desktop.

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Essential Kdenlive Keybindings

One of the most significant selling points of Kdenlive is that it uses open audio and video codec standards through FFmpeg. This means that, similar to MPV, it is possible to use the program with almost any media format you might need. Further, Kdenlive also provides you with a set of powerful features through its extensive plugin system.

By default, Kdenlive has several keybindings that you can use to do basic file manipulation, timeline editing and playback control. This cheatsheet aims to provide you with the basic set of keybindings for Kdenlive. Not only that, but it also aims to highlight some of Kdenlive’s little-known features.

File Manipulation
Ctrl + NCommand + NCreate a new video editing project.
Ctrl + SCommand + SSave the current session to a project file.
Ctrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + SSave the current session to a different project file.
Ctrl + OCommand + OOpen an existing project file.
Ctrl + QCommand + QQuit Kdenlive.
Window Control
<<Toggle the current item entry’s display.
XXOpen the Razor Tool.
SSOpen the Selection Tool.
MMOpen the Spacer Tool.
Ctrl + EnterCommand + EnterOpen the “Render…” window.
Ctrl + Alt + ICommand + Option + IOpen the “Find Action…” window.
Ctrl + Shift + FCommand + Shift + FToggle the Fullscreen mode.
Ctrl + MCommand + MToggle the Menu Bar.
F1F1Open the Kdenlive Handbook.
Shift + F1Shift + F1Open the Help entry for the current action.
F2F2Open the “Rename…” window.
F11F11Toggle the Fullscreen mode for the playback monitor.
F12F12Open the Multitrack View.
Ctrl + Shift + ,Command + Shift + ,Open Kdenlive’s Configuration window.
Ctrl + Alt + ,Command + Option + ,Open Kdenlive’s Shortcuts window.
Playback Control
SpaceSpacePlay the project starting from the current playhead.
Ctrl + SpaceCommand + SpacePlay the zone starting from the current playhead.
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCommand + Shift + SpacePlay the zone in a loop.
KKPause the project at the current playhead.
LLFast forward the project playback.
JJRewind the project playback.
RightRightFast forward the project playback by 1 frame.
LeftLeftRewind the project playback by 1 frame.
Shift + RightShift + RightFast forward the project playback by 1 second.
Shift + LeftShift + LeftRewind the project playback by 1 second.
Timeline Navigation
HomeGo to the start of the current clip.
EndGo to the end of the current clip.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the start of the current project.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the current project.
Ctrl + RightCommand + RightGo to the next guide in the project.
Ctrl + LeftCommand + LeftGo to the previous guide in the project.
Alt + RightOption + RightGo to the next Snap Point in the project.
Alt + LeftOption + LeftGo to the previous Snap Point in the project.
Shift + IShift + IGo to the start of the current zone.
Shift + OShift + OGo to the end of the current zone.
PPPlace the playhead to the current mouse position.
Ctrl + +Command + +Zoom in the timeline at the current playhead position.
Ctrl + –Command + –Zoom out the timeline at the current playhead position.
Timeline Selection
11Select the first video track in the project.
22Select the second video track in the project.
33Select the third video track in the project.
44Select the fourth video track in the project.
55Select the fifth video track in the project.
66Select the sixth video track in the project.
77Select the seventh video track in the project.
88Select the eighth video track in the project.
99Select the ninth video track in the project.
Alt + 1Option + 1Select the first audio track in the project.
Alt + 2Option + 2Select the second audio track in the project.
Alt + 3Option + 3Select the third audio track in the project.
Alt + 4Option + 4Select the fourth audio track in the project.
Alt + 5Option + 5Select the fifth audio track in the project.
Alt + 6Option + 6Select the sixth audio track in the project.
Alt + 7Option + 7Select the seventh audio track in the project.
Alt + 8Option + 8Select the eighth audio track in the project.
Alt + 9Option + 9Select the ninth audio track in the project.
Ctrl + 1Command + 1Select “Target 1” in the current project.
Ctrl + 2Command + 2Select “Target 2” in the current project.
Ctrl + 3Command + 3Select “Target 3” in the current project.
Ctrl + 4Command + 4Select “Target 4” in the current project.
Ctrl + 5Command + 5Select “Target 5” in the current project.
Ctrl + 6Command + 6Select “Target 6” in the current project.
Ctrl + 7Command + 7Select “Target 7” in the current project.
Ctrl + 8Command + 8Select “Target 8” in the current project.
Ctrl + 9Command + 9Select “Target 9” in the current project.
Ctrl + GCommand + GCreate a new group for the currently selected tracks.
Ctrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + GRemove an existing group of tracks.
Shift + GShift + GGrab the currently active clip.
Shift + XShift + XSelect the active zone in the current timeline.
++Select the current clip.
Remove the active selection on the current clip.
Shift + +Shift + +Select the closest transition effect from the playhead.
Shift + –Shift + –Remove the active selection on the current transition effect.
Alt + +Option + +Add a new clip to the current selection.
Alt + Shift + +Option + Shift + +Add a new transition effect to the current selection.
Ctrl + Shift + ACommand + Shift + ARemove any active selection.
Track Editing
TTToggle between the Clip Monitor and Project Monitor.
IISet the start of a zone at the current playhead position.
OOSet the end of a zone at the current playhead position.
GGCreate a new guide at the current playhead position.
UUMix the current clip with the ones adjacent to it.
Ctrl + ICommand + IPlace the currently selected zone in the Project Bin.
Alt + Shift + AOption + Shift + AEnable all the tracks in the current project.
Shift + AShift + AToggle the activation of all the tracks in the current project.
Shift + HShift + HDisable the currently selected track.
Shift + LShift + LLock the currently selected track.
Ctrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + LLock all the tracks in the current project.
((Cut the start of the clip at the current playhead position.
))Cut the end of the clip at the current playhead position.
Shift + RShift + RCut the active track at the current playhead position.
Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + RCut all tracks at the current playhead position.
Ctrl + CCommand + CCopy the current selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + VCommand + VPaste the current selection under the current playhead.
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZUndo the last action made on the project.
Ctrl + Shift + ZCommand + Shift + ZRedo the last action made on the project.
Graphics Generation
Alt + TOption + TCreate a text graphic in the current frame.
Alt + ROption + RCreate a rectangle graphic in the current frame.
Alt + EOption + ECreate a circle graphic in the current frame.
Alt + IOption + IInsert an external image in the current frame.
Alt + SOption + SGo back to the regular Selection mode.

Image Credit: Unsplash and Wikimedia Commons. All alterations by Ramces Red.

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Ramces Red
Ramces Red - Staff Writer

Ramces is a technology writer that lived with computers all his life. A prolific reader and a student of Anthropology, he is an eccentric character that writes articles about Linux and anything *nix.