LibreOffice Calc Keyboard Shortcuts

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LibreOffice Calc is a free, open-source spreadsheet program for Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Like Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc provides a simple yet powerful interface that you can use to record and manipulate data tables. LibreOffice Calc can also produce complex tables and analyze them through its extensive built-in wizards.

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Essential LibreOffice Calc Keybindings

While creating new bindings for existing functions is possible, the default set of keybindings in LibreOffice Calc can already demonstrate its extensive features. For example, the spreadsheet editor has a bunch of keybindings for reference tracing, formula recalculation, setting custom colors, and formatting.

This cheatsheet provides an extensive list of default keybindings you can use with LibreOffice Calc. Furthermore, this list highlights some of the program’s lesser-known complex functions so you can become a spreadsheet wizard.

File Manipulation
Ctrl + NCommand + NCreate a new Calc spreadsheet.
Ctrl + OCommand + OOpen an existing Calc spreadsheet.
Ctrl + SCommand + SSave the current Calc spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + SSave the current Calc spreadsheet in a different format.
Ctrl + F4Command + F4Close the current Calc spreadsheet.
F6F6Switch focus on the next internal window.
Shift + F6Shift + F6Switch focus on the previous internal window.
Ctrl + PCommand + POpen the Print dialog menu.
Interface Manipulation
Ctrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + JSwitch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + RRender the current spreadsheet again.
Ctrl + Shift + ICommand + Shift + IToggle the cursor in Read Only spreadsheets.
F5F5Toggle the spreadsheet navigator subwindow.
F10F10Open the first item in the Menu Bar.
Shift + F10Shift + F10Open the Context Menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F10Command + Shift + F10Toggle the dock status of the current subwindows.
F11F11Open the “Styles” dialog box.
Ctrl + QCommand + QExit the Calc program.
Help Menu
F1F1Open the Built-in Libreoffice Help System.
Shift + F1Shift + F1Open the Help System entry for the current mode.
Shift + F2Shift + F2Reopen the Tips menu.
Spreadsheet Navigation
Left ArrowLeft ArrowMove the selection cursor to the cell on the left.
Right ArrowRight ArrowMove the selection cursor to the cell on the right.
Up ArrowUp ArrowMove the selection cursor one cell up.
Down ArrowDown ArrowMove the selection cursor one cell down.
Ctrl + Left ArrowCommand + Left ArrowMove the selection cursor to the first cell on the left with data.
Ctrl + Right ArrowCommand + Right ArrowMove the selection cursor to the first cell on the right with data.
Ctrl + Up ArrowCommand + Up ArrowMove the selection cursor to the first cell with data upwards.
Ctrl + Down ArrowCommand + Down ArrowMove the selection cursor to the first cell with data downwards.
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous spreadsheet in the file.
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next spreadsheet in the file.
Alt + Page UpMove the spreadsheet viewer to the left by one screen.
Alt + Page DownMove the spreadsheet viewer to the right by one screen.
Ctrl + FCommand + FSearch for a string in the current spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + FCommand + Shift + FSearch for the last string that you searched for in the current spreadsheet.
Ctrl + HCommand + HOpen the “Find and Replace” dialog box.
Spreadsheet Selection
Shift + SpaceShift + SpaceSelect the entire current row.
Ctrl + SpaceCommand + SpaceSelect the entire current column.
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCommand + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire spreadsheet.
Shift + HomeSelect the current cell up until the first cell in the current row.
Shift + EndSelect the current cell up until the last cell with data in the current row.
Shift + Page UpSelect the current cell and one screen up in the current column.
Shift + Page DownSelect the current cell and one screen down in the current column.
Ctrl + Shift + Page UpSelect the previous spreadsheet in the file along with the current one.
Ctrl + Shift + Page DownSelect the next spreadsheet in the file along with the current one.
Spreadsheet Editing
Ctrl + CCommand + CCopy the contents of the currently selected cell.
Ctrl + XCommand + XCopy the contents of the currently selected cell and delete it.
EnterEnterPaste the contents of the clipboard at the currently selected cell.
BackspaceBackspaceOpen the “Delete Contents” dialog box.
DeleteDeleteDelete the contents of the currently selected cell.
Ctrl + Plus (+)Command + Plus (+)Insert a new cell at the current cursor position.
Ctrl + Minus (-)Command + Minus (-)Delete the currently selected cell.
Ctrl + Back Quote (`)Command + Back Quote (`)Toggle the formula display for each cell in the current spreadsheet.
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZUndo the last change that you made.
Ctrl + YCommand + YRedo the last change that you made.
Ctrl + Alt + YCommand + Option + YRedo the last calc command that you made.
Ctrl + Semicolon (;)Command + Semicolon (;)Insert the current date in currently selected cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Semicolon (;)Command + Shift + Semicolon (;)Insert the current time in the currently selected cell.
Spreadsheet Formatting
Ctrl + 1Command + 1Open the “Format Cells” dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + 1Command + Shift + 1Format the current cell up to two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + 2Command + Shift + 2Format the current cell in scientific notation.
Ctrl + Shift + 3Command + Shift + 3Format the current cell to the standard date format.
Ctrl + Shift + 4Command + Shift + 4Format the current cell to the standard currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + 5Command + Shift + 5Format the current cell in percentage format with up to two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + 6Command + Shift + 6Format the current cell using the default style.
Cell Formatting
Ctrl + BCommand + BFormat the current cell in bold.
Ctrl + ICommand + IFormat the current cell in italics.
Ctrl + UCommand + UUnderline the text in the current cell.
Ctrl + MCommand + MRemove any formatting in the current cell.
Ctrl + LCommand + LForce the contents of the current cell to be left justified.
Ctrl + RCommand + RForce the contents of the current cell to be right justified.
Ctrl + ECommand + ECenter the contents of the current cell.
Ctrl + JCommand + JJustify the contents of the current cell.
Shift + F3Shift + F3Toggle the different letter cases for the current cell.
Pivot Table
TabTabGo through the different fields in the Pivot Table dialog box.
Shift + TabShift + TabGo through the different fields in the dialog box in reverse.
Up ArrowUp ArrowMove the selection cursor one line up in the current field.
Down ArrowDown ArrowMove the selection cursor one line down in the current field.
Left ArrowLeft ArrowMove the selected data point to an adjacent field on the left.
Right ArrowRight ArrowMove the selected data point to an adjacent field on the right.
HomeMove the selection cursor to the top of the current field.
EndMove the selection cursor to the bottom of the current field.
DeleteDeleteDelete the selected data point in the current field.

Image Credit: Unsplash and Wikimedia Commons. All alterations by Ramces Red.

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Ramces Red
Ramces Red - Staff Writer

Ramces is a technology writer that lived with computers all his life. A prolific reader and a student of Anthropology, he is an eccentric character that writes articles about Linux and anything *nix.