Save $370 on a roborock Q7 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop

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If you’re dreading having a holiday party because you hate the cleanup afterward, get a roborock Q7 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop. It provides hands-free cleaning and has an auto-empty dock. Control your cleaning with a map and/or Alexa and get $370 off.

The Auto-Empty-Dock Pure will automatically empty the dustbin for you after every cleaning. The dustbag inside the emptying station holds 2.5L and will last up to seven weeks. The 4200Pa maximum suction pulls debris and pet hair in, even pulling it from cracks and carpets. When carpeting is detected, it will increase the suction to the maximum.

Roborock Q7 Max Plus Robot Vacuum Mop Self Empty

The roborock Q7 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop handles all your floor cleaning and has 30 water flow levels, allowing it to clean your floors to your satisfaction. The combined 470 ml dustbin and 350 ml water tank is larger, allowing it to self-empty less and you to refill less. The upgraded brush system resists tangles from pet hair and long human hair, while the four planes of movement clean closer to the floor.

The PreciSense LiDAR Navigation accurately maps your home, tracks cleaning routes, and allows the functioning to be seen in 3D. It can add furniture and flooring materials to recreate your home virtually in its mapping. The battery on the vacuum will last for up to 180 minutes of vacuuming and mopping or up to 3229 square feet.

Take 43% off the price of this robot vacuum in Black or White and pay just $499.99.

roborock Q7 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop

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Laura Tucker
Laura Tucker - Contributor

Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site's sponsored review program.