Miguel has been a business growth and technology expert for more than a decade and has written software for even longer. From his little castle in Romania, he presents cold and analytical perspectives to things that affect the tech world.
Security questions are supposed to be yet another secure way to log in to your account in case you forgot your password, but it is really a bad idea. Here’s why.
Now robots are capable of writing news reports and painting the masterpieces of great artists. Is this the end for those who are in these niches? Let’s find out.
A report from the JEDEC about SSDs suggests they might not be able to retain storage over long periods of time without power. Is this true? Let’s find out.
You may have heard about the “right to be forgotten”, But what exactly is the “right to be forgotten”, and can we even enforce such a right? Let’s check it out.
While you can make free call over the Internet, why is it that we are still paying to make long distance calls on a traditional phone? Let’s find out why.
Tesla came up with a new device that could make battery technology more affordable and reliable. The question is can we power an entire house with a battery?
The upcoming release of Windows 10 might lock out older PCs that do not support the DRM technologies to watch 4k movies. Here is what you need to know.
Manufacturers like Apple and Samsung have recently introduced image stabilizers into their cameras. Find out everything about image stabilization here.
How much are you paying for Internet services now? Imagine paying none of that to connect to the world’s biggest knowledge library. Is it even possible? Let’s find out.
One of the questions aspiring coders ask themselves is, “Where do I start?” Here are a couple of programming languages that you should pick up in 2015.
The innovation in wearable devices has now allowed us to track our health on the move. Is this a boon or a bane? Find out all you need to know about wearable health tracking.
Late in January 2015, Microsoft’s system chief said in an announcement that Windows 10 will come as a free upgrade. What’s with this change? Let’s find out.
Using your fingerprint or retina to authorize yourself into an account has been around for a long time., but will it become the future of online banking? Let’s find out.
When there are sudden increase of traffic to a server, it will crash. A solution to this is to use a load balancer. Here’s what you need to know about load balancing.
The US government is intending to introduce new laws to protect the privacy of individuals on the Internet. Here is what you need to know about this proposal.
Most people are used to “the Internet,” but what if one day we would have to use “internets” to describe what we’re connecting to? Is that even possible?
Most computers are still using fan and heat sink to cool theselves down. For those who are interested, here are 4 great amazing cooling techniques you can use.
With the new HTTP/2, let’s find out what this new protocol version does, how it can improve the loading speed of webpages and how you can benefit from it.
You probably have an online banking account. What if someone decided to hack into your account and steal from it? How secure do you think your bank account is?
Have you ever wondered what large companies do to ensure that their websites stay up, and why websites sometimes go belly-up for a few hours? It’s time to speak about both of these things!
Wireless charging has become a thing. But how much do you really know about the charger you’re using at your home or at a cafe? This article answers it all.
Microsoft spearheaded a product that blends augmented reality with virtual reality. This product is known as the HoloLens. Here is what you need to know about it.
A network in space to provide internet access throughout the world sounds good, but is it feasible? Here are the answers to some of the major questions asked.
Some people decided to switch to standing desk as they feel that it is much healthier than sitting down whole day. The question is: Are these any better?
Since smartphones are tiny, we don’t often think about the effect they could be having on us. So will using a smartphone affect our health? Let’s check it out.
You might be curious about what new gadgets are coming out in the future. Here are some predictions concerning the state of mobile technology in the year 2015.
In-app purchases has become a popular way for developers to more money from their apps, and is easy for kids to do so with a single click. Here is how you can prevent your kids from making in-app purchases.
Do you know exactly the specification of the hardware used in your tablet? Here are some examples of the lack of information on certain hardware modules.
The growing presence of screens in our lives has transformed their safety into an issue that some are taking so seriously, they are calling it a crisis.
The general impression of Windows 10 is mostly good. What makes Windows 10 so special that it’s starting to change the public’s opinion of Microsoft, if ever so slightly?
Here are some questions (and answers) about video card specifications that don’t seem to be fully explained in terms everyone can understand on the web.
Google has just discovered a POODLE exploit that can affect millions of browsers worldwide at this moment. Let’s see how you can protect yourself from POODLE exploit.
Other than WPA, MAC filtering is another feature to enhance the security of your WiFi router. Learn why this little setting is insurmountably powerful.